Do you have a favorite and does it REALLY make a difference?

If you have a head of hair it's something you use everyday, we'll maybe not everyday, but at the least every other day?

I'm talking about shampoo and have you noticed how MANY different types are out there? For dry hair, for oily hair, do you have brittle ends? How about colored: are you a redhead or a blond?  Maybe thinning? Or do you prefer to smell like a lemon?

I think I've tried almost every one out there (well not really, that would be impossible), but I would say a good number of them.  I am ashamed to say I even spent $65.00 on one bottle because my stylist said "you need this".  Needless to say she's not my stylist anymore.  I don't like being shamed into buying something, but she made me feel like my hair was nothing but a "bale of hay".

So where am I going with this?  I finally found a shampoo that I absolutely loved and then it disappeared!  It's called FAT HAIR  and it was no where to be found until Monday when on a bottom shelf in a beauty supply store sat one lone bottle along with the conditioner so I grabbed it like it was a winning lottery ticket.  And do you know what I did when I went home?  I emptied out every bottle of shampoo and conditioner sitting in my shower!

Marianne, WOBM-AM
Marianne, WOBM-AM

I know now that I can now find my favorite brand on Amazon and I will never waste my money on any other!

Oh and by the way, when it says 'lather, rinse, repeat' how many times are you supposed to actually do that?

Oh and to answer my own question, yes I do and yes it does!

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