One researcher says he has found a bacteria level on an office desktop 400 times higher than a toilet seat.  But a New Jersey scientist says don’t panic.

Rider University Biologist James Riggs says the story sounds, in his words, “ridiculously high.”  He says it depends in large part on the numbers of people who frequent the desk top, and the toilet seat.

He says the good news is very few bacteria are harmful and most cannot survive in the open air.  Most harmful bacteria interaction that occurs in nature is the transmission of harmful organisms from one person to another…somewhat more directly.   But Riggs adds he is not against taking common precautions to keep commonly-used areas bacteria free.

He says, “You can wipe down surfaces.  It really depends on how much traffic you have coming in contact with the surface in question…a phone, a door knob or a desk top.”

Riggs says if you are a student who encounters doors and other surfaces used by a lot of people, you might cultivate the habit of using your other hand…the one you do not habitually touch to your face…to grab door knobs and the like.

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