When is the right time to alert authorities of a suspicious package or person?

This past week a massacre took place in a South Carolina church in which 9 people were shot by what was described as a white male, about 21 years old.

After the news broke law enforcement stressed to the public to be on the look out for this individual.  One person in particular saw a car that she thought was suspicious but THIS car was in NORTH Carolina and she second guessed herself about calling because it WAS so far away.  She went with her gut and it turned out to be the shooter, Dylann Roof. They arrested and transported him back to South Carolina to face the music - if she didn't do this maybe he'd still be on the loose.

So this morning on the air I was talking about how they say if you see anything suspicious you should report it.  However, listener Val from Jackson called and said that last month she did just that, but when she did her family AND the authorities kind of seemed annoyed that she did.  There was a suitcase sitting in the middle of the road for at least an hour and people just ignored it.  I told her she did the right thing and if something like that was to happen again to do exactly what she did.

Now here's my question: would you or wouldn't you report anything suspicious even if you thought it was stupid?

Yes Definitely I want to do my part as a concerned citizen

No Absolutely not I'll just mind my own business

Maybe , I guess it would depend on my mood

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